Explore The Automaker Landscape
The 2024 ADAS Guide is not just a compendium of ADAS feature brand names and functions, it is intended to be a driver for innovation and improvement in the way we design and present ADAS features to drivers.
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Introducing the 2024 ADAS Guide:
Navigating the Future of Driver Assistance
The 2024 edition of this guide is designed to give you a detailed overview of ADAS features you can find in today’s road-going vehicles, categorized by OEM, alongside expert analysis of the state-of-the-art, and areas the industry needs to focus on improving.
Join us on a journey to bridge the gap between technology and driver understanding. Our guide was inspired by real-life experiences, the challenges of navigating modern high-tech vehicles, and the need for clarity. We believe it's our collective responsibility to ensure that ADAS technology is clear, user-friendly, and designed with the driver in mind.

What to expect
We decided to write this guide both to give an overview of most of the ADAS on offer today, but also seeking to drive discussion on how we can collaborate more, design better, and understand the user journey to ensure that ADAS and autonomous systems are able to make the best impact on road safety.
Content includes:
- ADAS: Why it's important
- Brief history
- The five eras of ADAS
- Trending: More ADAS for more vehicles
- How effective are ADAS features
- Common ADAS systems
- Why are names so confusing?
- The pitfalls of ADAS
Guest articles:
- An Interview with Peter Burns Chief, Human Factors and Crash Avoidance Research, Motor Vehicle Safety, Transport Canada
- How NOT to name and describe your ADAS by Dan Selke, Safety & Human Factors Steering Committee Chairperson, SAE
PLUS an entire section on OEMs and their ADAS features in 2024.
OEMS Featuring in the Guide